RTA 2012 - 23rd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications

RTA 2012 - 23rd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications

  Monday, May 28, 2012 to Saturday, June 2, 2012
  Nagoya, Japan

Latest News

Invited talk

* Hirokazu Anai (FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD / Kyushu University) slides: Computational Real Algebraic Geometry in Practice
* Claude Kirchner (INRIA & LORIA) slides: Rho-Calculi for Computation and Logic
* Sebastian Maneth (NICTA & University of New South Wales) slides: Dictionary-Based Tree Compression


Best paper award

  • The best paper award and its prize 50,000 yen was given to Kazushige Terui for his paper "Semantic evaluation, intersection types and the complexity of simply typed lambda calculus".

RTA proceedings are available on LIPIcs

Related Events

About RTA

RTA 2012 is organized by Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University together with several related events.

Creation of the series of RTA conferences was decided after the Workshop on the Rewrite Rule Laboratory, held in Schenectady (NY) in September 1983. From 1985 to 1993, RTA was a biennial conference. In 1995, RTA was merged with the Workshop on Conditional (and Typed) Term Rewriting Systems (CTRS) and became an annual conference. Previous RTA meetings were held in Dijon (1985), Bordeaux (1987), Chapel Hill (1989), Como (1991), Montreal (1993), Kaiserslautern (1995), Rutgers (1996), Sitges (1997), Tsukuba (1998), Trento (1999), Norwich (2000), Utrecht (2001), Copenhagen (2002), Valencia (2003), Aachen (2004), Nara (2005), Seattle (2006), Paris (2007), Hagenberg/Linz (2008), Brasilia (2009), Edinburgh (2010), and Novi Sad (2011).

Important dates

Abstract: Jan 11, 2012 (extended by a week)
Paper Submission: Jan 16, 2012 (extended by a week)
Notification: Mar 02, 2012
Final version: Mar 26, 2012

Invited speakers

* Hirokazu Anai (FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD / Kyushu University)
* Claude Kirchner (INRIA & LORIA)
* Sebastian Maneth (NICTA & University of New South Wales)

Programme Committee Chair

* Ashish Tiwari (SRI International, Menlo Park, CA)

Programme Committee

* Andreas Abel Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
* Zena Ariola University of Oregon
* Paolo Baldan Università degli Studi di Padova
* Ahmed Bouajjani University of Paris 7
* Evelyne Contejean LRI Université Paris-Sud-CNRS
* Irène Anne Durand LaBRI Université of Bordeaux
* Jörg Endrullis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
* Silvio Ghilardi Università degli Studi di Milano
* Guillem Godoy Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
* Nao Hirokawa Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
* Deepak Kapur University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
* Jordi Levy IIIA - CSIC
* Paul-Andre Mellies University of Paris 7
* Pierre-Etienne Moreau Ecole des Mines de Nancy
* Joachim Niehren INRIA Lille
* Grigore Rosu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
* Albert Rubio Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
* Masahiko Sakai Nagoya University
* Carolyn Talcott SRI International
* René Thiemann University of Innsbruck

Organizing Committee

* Masahiko Sakai (Chair) Nagoya University
* Aart Middeldorp University of Innsbruck
* Keiichirou Kusakari Nagoya University
* Naoki Nishida Nagoya University
* Nao Hirokawa Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


May 28 (Mon): 09:00- IFIP WG 1.6
May 29 (Tue): 09:00- IWC
09:00- WFLP 19:00- RTA reception
May 30 (Wed): 09:00- RTA
May 31 (Thr): 09:00- RTA 18:00- RTA Banquet
June 1 (Fri): 09:00- RTA 13:00- Excursion
June 2 (Sat): 09:00- HOR
09:00- TTATT

Accepted Papers

First Call For Papers  (almost text version)

Second Call For Papers  (almost text version, pdf version)

Final Call For Papers  (almost text version, pdf version)

Call for workshop proposals

Registration Desk is located in Noyori Conference Hall, Nagoya University. (marked with "RTA" on the map)
Detailed informations are found in the program booklet in conference kit.